
Bondens Marked Spesialitet Vegskilt Gardsmat/Bygdeturisme (HANEN)
See in map Business webpage
Contact Rune Klufterud
Adress Bamsrudveien 57
1850 Mysen
Phone 48121352
Longitude 11.366858
Latitude 59.547436

We make homemade ice cream from the farm´s eggs and fresh milk form the neighboring farm's cows.

Bamsrudlåven is situated near the city of Mysen, in the heart of inner Østfold and is run by the Klufterud family.

Fresh eggs from the farm's hens and fresh milk from the neighboring farm's cows is the basis for our homemade ice cream, with season-based flavors The idea of fresh icecream came naturally as a suitor from the neighboring farm came over the hill with fresh milk in the pail. Today's milk and todays eggs gives today's ice cream! We have a self served farm shop where you can see in to the ice cream production facilities.

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