Contact | Christoffer Knagenhjelm |
Adress | Havnebakken 1 6854 Kaupanger |
Phone | 48 00 48 17 |
Christoffer Knagenhjelms mobil | 48004817 |
Trude K. Knagenhjelms mobil | 91556522 |
Longitude | 7.23535 |
Latitude | 61.184538 |
At Knaken you may experience the fascinating history of Kaupanger. You will also taste good, homemade food made of local produce. All year round, we offer different public and closed events.
Knaken is located in the old sheep barn owned by Kaupanger Manor. Combined with Kaupanger stave church, the Manor is a national heritage site, defined as unique in Norwegian context. During the last 300 years, the Manor has been in the ownership of the Knagenhjelm family.
The area has a unique and thrilling history. What today is a small village, once grew from being a prehistoric farm settlement to be a vivid trading town during the Middle Ages.The farm was previously owned by the Crown, and the seat of one of history's worst Danish bailiffs. During the 1700s, Kaupanger was the center of administration of the region, and a noble Manor.
Be welcome to visit us at Knaken to discover the history and archaeological traces of the Iron Age farm, medieval town , a thousand year long tradition using timber, shipbuilding, and at last, a beautiful stave church!