Gripen gard & rurale tidsreiser

  Photographer: Helenen Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Remi Grebot

  Photographer: Helenen Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid

  Photographer: Helene Olli Sollid/Willem Volegaar

  Photographer: Vigdis Valde

  Photographer: Vigdis Valde

  Photographer: Vigdis Valde

Debio Godkjent Norsk økoturisme
See in map Business webpage
Contact Helene Olli Sollid
Adress Gripavegen 86
5919 5918 Frekhaug
Phone 99293971
Longitude 5.126796
Latitude 60.567836

Gripen gard is situated in the end of the road, by the big lake Storavatnet, on the big island Holsnøy. ( the word øy means island in Norwegian). The region is Nordhordland, who in 2019 became Norways first Biosphere reserve. Search for "" on www. In this area we have a cluster of businesses who work with wool, and a lot of sheep. The density of sheep you can clearly see in the landscape. They keep the heatland (coastal landscape where heather is dominating), and the hilly green land open, and free from bushes! Since Norwegian wool now is massively gaining interest, we have made a wool heritage route, and Gripen gard is one of the destinations on the route. Search for "The wool heritage route" on wwwI highly recommend this destination, that will give you a nice tour and overview of this region. You can buy sustainable memories from your journey, from yarn to knitted garments, ham from sheep, sheep fleeces and more.​​​

My sheep are very tame and friendly, so it is a nice opportunity to get to know sheep. I also have a minipig, the gigantic Nelly. Completely free-range chickens provide the eggs. Then it is two cats and tree dogs. I run the farm organic and very eco-friendly. That is especially important for me. The farms productions are certified organic, and it is also certified ecotourism. All my now 101 sheep have names, and I know them individually. Every year I must send some of them to the slaughter, and I wheep hard every year, thinking I cannot do this anymore. But then, all the rest is so nice, and there is no meaning in this farm without the sheep. So I dry my tears, and go on. And then I produce the very best salted, dried, smoked sheep ham! Good fleeces too. Luckily, they give me their wool every spring, without any harm, and I use all the wool for different purposes. I have videos on Gripens Instagram who shows how we do it, the Gripen style.

I run the farm organic and very eco-friendly. That is very important for me. All my now 86 sheep have names, and I know them individually. Every year I must send some of them to the slaughter, and I cry hard every year, thinking I can’t do this anymore. But then, all the rest is so nice, and there is no meaning in this farm without the sheep, so I dry my tears, and go on. And then I produce the very best salted, dried, smoked sheep ham! Very nice fleeces too. Luckily, they give me their wool every spring, without any harm, and I use all the wool for different purposes. I am a proud member of the “Wool heritage route”, who is new this year. It is a lot of places to visit, there wool plays a central role, in the region around Bergen I am the only farm on the route. Google it, and you will find the brochure, who is very good. It is a lot about wool in this district, and sheep. My sheep are old Norse sheep, our native breed.

The big lake Storavatnet, who is a silent lake, is 5 min walk from the cabins. Rowing boats, life vests and even fishing net are included. The fishing is good. Throats. It is anyway possible to have a full pension at farmhouse. All the farmhouses are old, one is from fifteenhundredandsomething, and the whole farm is very authentic. The smokehouse, who I have restored the best way possible, using materials from my own forest. I have my own sawmill. It is also possible to sleep at the smokehouse loft, if needed. I can also serve up to 18 people there. When I bought the farm in 2012, the barn had already fallen. I have now restored the old stone walls, and this winter I will start to rebuild it the old fashion way, with materials from my own forest (the not saved part of it)

CRAFTERS NEST: Little cozy cabin with a woodburning cooking stove. Situated in the green with lovely view. The cottage has a small double bed, 120x200. In the cottage you can make your own food on the woodburning stove. It is not as difficult as is seems. But you can also be provided a little gas- or electric oven. Water right outside the cabin. It is a little compost toilet in the cabin. The cabin contains a lot of books, mainly about crafting. Sewing machines and spinning wheels and old typewriters can be borrowed for use in the cottages. Located in a very green environment, native forest, the big lake and wilderness. Perfect for hiking and fishing. Boat and life vest are available, also fishing gear. You can park outside the cabin. Gripen is a silent place, only a few farming noises.

WRITERS NEST: Little sweet cottage with two rooms. One double bed, 140 x200. Little kitchen with cooking possibilities. Water right outside the cabin. Two extra mattresses with bedding is possible. Compost toilet right outside the entrance, under the roof, so shoes are not needed to go there. Located in a very green environment, native forest, the big lake and wilderness. Perfect for hiking and fishing. Boat and life vest are available, also fishing gear. It is a little library in the cabin since it is “Writers nest”. Sewing machines and spinning wheels and old typewriters can be borrowed for use in the cottages. Gripen is a silent place, only a few farming noises. The cabin has a bonfire pit outside the entrance, who is a warm and sunny spot.

The two mini houses are close to the farm, and both houses have a compost toilet. For showers and laundry, guests must come to the farmhouse (100 meters away) The cabins are situated in the middle of the sheep pasture. Electricity in both, but no Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi in the lounge of the farmhouse. Firewood is supplied at the farm.

ROSEHOLMEN: Escape the city and go to your own deserted island and live primitive! Explore the wilderness and the native forest! Enjoy silent days and nights, catch and make your own food, make your own firewood and do bush craft. It is set for an adventure! You rent the whole islet, and the big tipi. Rowing boat, life vests and fishing gear is included. The tipi is big and have several simple beds, gas cooker and woodburning ovens. The tipi contains all you need for an adventure and surviving in the wilderness. You need to bring waterproof shoes, warm clothes, gas, food and sleeping bags. If you do not have sleeping bags, you can use the ones who are in the tipi. Then you can rent an “inner sheet” from the farm. As an extra thing to do, you can rent a toolbox containing tools for woodworking.

The two minihouses are close to the farm, and both houses have a compost toilet. For showers and laundry, the come to the farmhouse (100 meters away) The cabins are situated in the middle of the sheep pasture. Bonfire pits outside both. The Crafters nest have a little old woodburning cooking stove, both for cooking and heat. The Writers nest have a gas cooking stove. Electrisity in both, but no wifi. Wifi in the farmhouse. Water outside the cabins. So, it is no problem for the guests to make tehir own meals. Firewood is supplied at the farm.

Helene Olli is a former architect, who was so bored in her job, that she just one day quieted, to start up her own business. She bought an old farm, who had been heavily neglected for many years, an took on the challenge to get it back to former glory, and to earn her living only from what the farm could provide. It has been a struggle, but the farm project is going very well, and she has all her income from the farm, and are doing very well. One farm house after the other is being restored, and the year of 2020 she started to raise the new barn.. Sadly, the old barn had fallen down, and now it is going to be built again, with materials from the farms forest, and in the old tradition, called "grindbygg". The old stone wall is partly taken down and build again, and is now ready for the new building to be raised. The farm is a small sheep farm, with about 70 winter fed old Norse sheep, who is the Norwegian native breed. It is a growing interest of wool from native breeds, and other old Norwegian sheep breeds, so the new barn will be a house for wool work. The big Gripen family (all who loves the farm and engages in the work) is already doing a lot of wool work-

My aim is to get the guests to return!

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