Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: LBH

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: KPI

  Photographer: Stolte Anton AS

See in map Business webpage
Adress Veiberg 31
6215 Eidsdal
Phone 90667656
Longitude 7.155127
Latitude 62.237187

Stolte Anton AS makes pure and tasty products from lokal fruit, berries and vegetables, partly from our own garden. We are situated in Eidsdal, a small village in Sunnmøre, near Geiranger. From our farm sale you can buy jam, jelly, chutney, juice, hermetic plum and pear.

Our products are made of fruit, berries and vegetables handpicked from local gardens in Eidsdal and the neighbour village Norddal. We make old gardens come alive again, and we are proud of using these local resources which otherwise would have been wasted. We use traditional recipes, without any artificial additive. Throughout the autumn we also spice up some products, e.g to make the good christmas taste.

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