Toves Tradisjonsmat

See in map Business webpage
Adress Kobbevågvegen 562
9057 Vikran
Phone 91603714
Longitude 18.863334
Latitude 69.52623

Tradition, quality, diversity and generosity. These are important words that describe Tove's little paradise on earth, which she would like to share with more people. Real food crafts based on partly home-grown ingredients but also with the use of wild plants in season. Here is a small, cozy farm shop that also functions as a café, outdoor seating outside with a table for good weather days and a lavvo with seating for approx. 35 people.

I live on my childhood farm at Kraksletta on the Malang Peninsula, about 4 miles from Tromsø via Ryatunellen. I have worked as a chef all my life and am very keen to preserve our food traditions and take care of our cultural heritage. Here we have both a horticulture and a great production room that contains a wonderful kitchen with a farm shop/café and lavvu on the farm. On the green line, summer flowers and herb plants of the highest quality are produced for sale in season. Otherwise, both herbs, berries and vegetables are produced for further processing. In the kitchen, a number of traditional baked goods are produced in the form of several types of lefs and bread, but also other products made from good old, venerable recipes that are used again. The farm has all rights and bets on both local food and drink.

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