Aarvik gard

  Photographer: Ranita Styve Aarvik

  Photographer: Ranita Styve Aarvik

  Photographer: Vigdis Øvreeide

  Photographer: Ranita Styve Aarvik

  Photographer: Ranita Styve Aarvik

  Photographer: Vigdis Øvreeide

  Photographer: Ranita Styve Aarvik

  Photographer: Erling Berge

See in map Business webpage
Adress Aarvik gard, Årvikvegen 35
5647 Baldersheim
Phone 92401099
Longitude 5.760291
Latitude 60.13795

Authentic, warm, and in harmony with nature. Aarvik farm is a place where you can unwind and sleep on organic mattresses, listening to the murmur of the Aarvik River flowing through the farmyard. Here, you can calm your soul and immerse yourself in the cozy 18th-century house, Gamlastovo. Borrow the rowboat and take a trip on the fjord or enjoy a refreshing dip in the sea before breakfast with freshly baked sourdough bread and buns from the farm's organic bakery and cafe. You can also stroll up the path to the mountain pasture we call Vårfloren and greet our Coastal Goats while enjoying the magnificent view of the fjord.

We wish that those who visit, experience what it's like to be on a small farm and live in harmony with nature. We want you to enjoy the tranquility and connect with yourself by staying in a place where time moves slowly, surrounded by nature on all sides. Here, you can rest and sleep well on organic Sleep on Nature mattresses from Coco-Mat, wake up to birdsong, the sound of waves in Aarvika, and the murmur of the Aarvik River. And here, you can savor delicious and organic food in the cafe with freshly baked bread and buns from our small bakery.

Our philosophy is to give back as much as we harvest from nature, recognizing that we are a part of nature and its cycles and seasons. We believe it's important to care for and build up the soil, not exploiting it for the sake of nature itself but also for future generations. Here, we cultivate food without plowing the soil, preserving biological diversity by avoiding pesticides or artificial fertilizers. We collect seaweed from the shore, use grass clippings and animal manure, and practice crop rotation to prevent plant diseases.

On the farm, we have 9 goats of the valuable Coastal Goat breed helping us reclaim old natural pastures, a lovely small flock of hens living together with the Coastal Goats in Smålhuset on the farm. And 3 beautiful cats. In the spring, we hope to welcome a small flock of runner ducks to the farm as well, to help us control some small pests in the vegetable field.

During the summer, the farm is bustling with activity, as it is high season for the bakery, kitchen garden, and crucially for drying and storing grass for winter fodder. You may be fortunate enough to see us scything and turning the grass in our steep and typical Western Norwegian hills, and if you're interested, you're welcome to join and help with the haymaking, though it's entirely voluntary!

We warmly welcome you to enjoy the beautiful space on our small farm, and we look forward to sharing our little paradise with you!

Warm regards,

Mrs. Aarvik and family

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