Vegetables, fruit, berries and fungi

Enjoy tasty apples or freshly chopped tomatoes. Several of our local food producers deliver fresh and healthy products straight from the soil.

Eiker Gårdsysteri

Eiker Gårdsysteri
in Buskerud

Modern open barn with 60 happy, free-range dairy cows. Farm shop sells our tasty cheeses and other high-quality local produce. Loft available for large and small groups, meetings, courses, etc. Foo...

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Skott Gård Nordre

Skott Gård Nordre
in Buskerud

Skott Gård nordre is beautifully located near the Drammen river. We produce plums, elderberry, gooseberry, blueberries and roseroot. We sell fresh fruits and berries in season, and juices, "Plum gl...

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